Touch Assignment

Human skin can be of a great many shades and hues. Some people push this individuality even further, deforming their skin using needles and ink in a process known as tattooing.
Tattoos have seen a great increase in popularity acceptance in western culture in the past hundred years. Even still, they do in some cases harbor a stigma and opinion of being “unprofessional”. Tattoos have served many different functions across cultures. Often tattoos hold an aesthetic purpose, with designs that have meaning for an individual. The text says that tattoos, “make the surface unique to one’s self, embody one’s secret dreams, adorn with magic emblems the Altamira of the flesh.” I have taken a series of images capturing tattoo designs which seem simple, yet hold a greater meaning to their possessor.

The lips are among the most sensitive surfaces on the human body. It is not surprising that many human cultures have evolved societies in which lips are an integral way of expressing emotion. In many cultures, to show affection, lust, appreciation or passion, people will press their lips against each other. This can be done with a great degree of intensity and varies in duration.


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